Our company provides a quality service for the protection of property by specialized agents, who are selected, approved, trained and equipped following Security Guard Law.
Who is this job addressing?
For individuals who need permanent security and protection, guards are hired to provide them with these things, all day, every day.
According to the security guard staff’s legislation, they are made up of armed or unarmed security agents. Generally, the security staff will be organized as follows:
- Supervisor
- Supervisor for operations
- Shift supervisor
- Site supervisor.
Maintains daily security at Guard Security Solutions.
It coordinates all the activities needed to fulfill the mission tasks provided for in the contracts for providing security services, on the security of objectives, goods, values and protection of persons, as well as increasing the efficiency of the security of goods and values, strengthening the responsibility of personnel and preventing negative events, preventing accidents at work and special events
An electronic crime scene management system helps to inform the police promptly about security incidents and records them, keeping a record of them.
To make sure there is no confusion or misunderstanding between the parties, each party must collaborate with the management of the beneficiary unit in writing and on time about any incident occurring in the objective. These incidents should be reported to both the representative of the beneficiary and to the management of Guard Security Solutions so that they can establish the necessary measures as soon as
Supervisor for operations
He is a direct subordinate of the head of the objective, is responsible for organizing the security services in the assigned objective, checks the existence of the registers/documents specified in the security plan and completes them according to the particular protocol, checks the presence of the security guard according to the daily shift plan.
Checks and transmits the presence according to the daily shift plan, checks and reports on the physical and mental condition of the security guard, the outfit and makes sure that the guard’s equipment is following the law,
One of his main responsibilities is to oversee security at certain locations, especially after a raid. He sends reports on the whereabouts of the guards and the patrols to his superiors.
Note down the dates, times and circumstances of events in both reports.
Shift supervisor
It was requested that there be a strict set of rules for visitors and staff, that highlighted every entry and exit from the objectives. They also provided any services related to the building, such as access control.
- supervise the utility areas;
- parking supervision;
- video monitoring supervision;
- fire monitoring supervision.
- Provides administration: visitor relations and mail reception.
Site supervisor
When people commit crimes such as theft, vandalism, violence, aggression, and terrorism, there is a risk of retaliation. Because of the nature of this type of crime, it is important to inform the hierarchical boss about it as soon as possible, so that he can deal with it.
To minimize the consequences of the event, the employee should direct the flow of people and vehicles entering the premises of the target company, and he should welcome the client if he requests access to the site, and he should enforce compliance with the rules
According to Global Security Guards Solutions, a security agent may also be able to perform other tasks requested by the beneficiary.
The equipment used by security agents working for a security firm includes several factors. They include location, time, and season of operation, as well as the space in which the operation takes place.
You can customize the equipment according to the beneficiary’s needs, such as:
guard and patrol dogs (k9 dogs) specially trained for these activities;
security systems adapted to each location;
- electric shock devices;
- metal detectors;
- self-defence weapons as well as lethal weapons following legal provisions;
- warning and audible warning systems.
Protection and security by security officers will be conducted in the perimeter of the objective, at the entry points and in vulnerable places inside.
This structure will include the number of security posts and the duties and responsibilities of these posts for the company benefiting from this service. These will be determined later based on a site visit, a site plan, and an analysis of risk factors to determine the best protection requirements.
Security is obtained by combining both preventive and neutralizing actions, which will result in the much-desired goal of security.
If a society doesn’t have either of these two forms of action, then the concept of security becomes unhinged.
No matter how well trained and educated a decision-maker may be, it is the individual agents who apply the provisions of the security concept.
The objective of the guards who provide security and protection during the funeral will be to comply with the requirements of international law and domestic legislation as well as to ensure the protection of private property. They will use the theoretical knowledge and practical skills they have learned during their training programs to carry out their tasks.
To support the agents of the security device, special teams are made up of trained and equipped agents who intervene in the shortest time possible. They have at their disposal appropriate means of transportation to ensure rapid intervention service at any time of the day or night.
In case of emergency, the beneficiaries may choose to have the situation checked either on a pre-established schedule or randomly by a team of intervention agents.
Best in class security Services
The security guard job is one of the most sought-after jobs in the security sector. The reason for this is because it offers 24/7 on-call availability and a competitive salary.
Create a Resume
The first step is to create a resume that showcases your skills and abilities. You should also use it as an opportunity to show that you have the necessary experience and qualifications required for the specific position that you’re applying for. Remember, you should tailor it specifically for this position so always include relevant skills and experience relevant to the job description whenever possible!
Practice interview questions:
Prepare in advance for the most common questions that you can find in an interview. Try these before you go for a security guard interview.
Conditions to apply
In order to apply for a security guard job, you will need to have a GED or HS diploma from an accredited institution. You will also need to have met the experience requirements, have a strong work history, and be able to pass a background check.