Global Professional Security Guards Service

Security Guard Jobs in Rail Yard Business

Security guards are in high demand.

The need for security guards has never been greater. With the increase in terrorism and crime rates, violence is becoming more and more common place. This creates a need for security guards to protect people and property alike.

Personal & Corporate Security

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What Do Rail Yard Security Guards Do?

Railway yards are frequent targets for criminals. They know that they can strike a cargo train, for instance, and steal a large amount of valuable goods in a very short time.

There are also criminals who break in just to vandalize property or cause mischief. Of course, since railways are such an important part of the nation’s infrastructure and supply chain, there are also national security implications to any situation involving rail yard security.

security guard jobs in rail yards

Therefore, it’s important to protect rail yards. One way to go this is by using rail yard security guards. However, before you take this step, it’s important to look at the possible security threats that exist at railway yards, the services that security guards provide, the alternatives that are available, and how any of these options apply to your situation.

This will ensure that you have the right security guard at your property and that your site, your assets, and all personnel are safe and secure.

Understanding Railway Yard Security Threats

As mentioned, there are many potential security threats at a rail yard. The first, and potentially the most common, is theft. Criminals know how many valuable goods are stored on trains and in containers at rail yards. Many of these are commercial goods which can be resold on the black market quite quickly after they are stolen. This makes them common targets for criminals.

They also know that these properties are quite large and, therefore, it’s difficult for anyone to spot a criminal when they strike. They work to avoid staff and rail yard security guards, often striking at night or at other times when they are unlikely to be spotted.

The same is true for those who wish to vandalize the property and especially for those who wish to cause harm to the rail yard, the trains, or the rail infrastructure. Terrorism is unfortunately an ever-present threat at many railways, and it is crucial that these sites be protected from those who wish to cause great harm.

Therefore, having a persistent and proactive security presence is crucial. It’s not just important that you are alerted to crimes that happen or that you capture evidence of criminal activity.

Stopping the criminals before they strike the property is crucial.

Therefore, you need to have a security set up in place that can spot suspicious situations and prevent them from escalating into crimes.

Comparing Rail Yard Security Guards to Other Options

As mentioned, one of the key parts of railway security is that it is proactive. Criminals move quickly and strike fast. If they aren’t stopped before they gain access to a property, they are likely to cause serious damage before they are noticed. Even if they aren’t able to steal what they’re looking for, they can still cause costly damage to buildings, trains, and other assets.

Alarm systems and unmonitored security cameras do not provide proactive protection. Even in a situation where someone can respond to an alarm quickly, there is still a delay between when the crime begins and when the criminal can be stopped. This delay can be incredibly costly.

Rail yard security guards can provide proactive security, but they cannot be everywhere at once. Criminals often scout out a situation in advance and look for situations where guards are in another area, distracted, or otherwise engaged. They then strike, commit their crimes, and leave before anyone can catch them. There is also the unfortunate reality that security guards can be threatened, intimidated, or even injured by criminals.

For instance, if an security agent sees someone trying to look for an entry point in a fence, they can use the system’s voice communication  speakers to inform the person that the site is secured by remote surveillance and tell them that the police will be called if they do not leave immediately. This deters criminals and keeps the site safe.

For more information on how to find a job in rail yard security guards, or any other details, please contact Global Security Guards today.